About Me

Welcome to Room 13! This is our class blog where we will write about the things we have been doing and capture the exciting events that happen in Room 13. We welcome viewers and comments on our blog site.

Friday 27 March 2015

The Highlanders came to visit!

There was great excitement today at George Street, as the Highlanders came to visit. Our class had the opportunity to meet them, have autographs signed, ask questions and some of us even got to play a game of Rippa rugby with them! What a great experience!

Thursday 26 March 2015

Cricket Festival Fun Day

A number of children from Room 13 and other senior and middle classes attended the Cricket Festival Fun Day. It was a great day where children got to show off their bowling and batting skills. Cricket is fast becoming a very popular sport at George Street with 4 teams attending the festival day.

Thursday 19 March 2015


Over the last few weeks Room 13 have been walking to DNI swimming pool to do swimming lessons with the J.C swim instructors. We have learnt new strokes and improved old ones. We worked on breath stroke, free style, dolphin dives and lots more. A big thank you to the parent helpers that have walked with us to and from the pool.

By Paige and Kiri

'I started to drag my hungry body through the water, my arms speeding like a machine. My goggles began to fog up and I could just see the finish line faintly in the distance.' - Paige

'The bubbly blue wall catches my sight. It looks so close that I could reach out and touch it, but when I do my hand just slices the water and I instantly know that the wall is still far to come.' - Olive

'My head slices through the water like an arrow heading towards a target. I watch the bubbles come out of my nose and hear the splash of my legs hitting the water.' - Lara